Monday, February 28, 2005


Congrats everyone! You all did well! (Better than me, at any rate.) Especially to Diana our very own Top Malay Student, and Heidi, who has a WAHLAO WAHLAO WAHLAO worthy result slip of 9 (all) A1s and distinction in Chinese orals, and everyone else because you did very very well and I didn't get to look at your result slip so I can't boast specifically about my friends who are pretty dang smart.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Howdy Hi Ho.

Because I'm bored and have nothing to do, so I shall post stuff here. blahblahblahblah. Sigh so tomorrow is the day, and I have a strange sense of foreboding. I do hope however, that everything goes fine nevertheless. Goodness knows how we will concentrate on your lessons prior to getting our results.

I'm sure certain people are tipped for the 10.30 phonecall or something, so if you do get called up - remember to credit 413! Aw yeah.

In response to Heidi's post on RJ DramaFeste, Joel sent me the Fruit & Veggie Cult recording, which is total pwnage. So anyone who hasn't heard them, should really do and laugh your knickers off.

Did I just say knickers? Must be this overwhelming British education we are getting here in HC.

Crap, I sound like a stuck up pig. I'm not really like that, it's just that my mind is suffering from worry overload. I am going out later to buy football boots with my teammates. Cool, no?

Okay, actually the point of all this was to just say Good Luck and see you guys tomorrow. :S

Saturday, February 26, 2005

of drama feste and other things

drama feste is over. didn't manage to catch all the performances cos they didn't allow cast and crew in to the theatre on the second night, but i managed to sneak in near the end. fruit and veggie cult was hilarious! i actually met conan [my sister's classmate, who has an amazing voice] in the canteen after crewing for the first performance of the night. it went something like this:

me: what are you doing here?!!
conan: oh we're here for drama feste. we're doing the filler item..
me: oh ok! but i might not be able to watch cos they don't allow cast and crew in.
conan: sneak in! sneak in!

somewhere along those lines.

then it took me quite a while after that to realise he was from the fruit and veggie cult =P

caught the gazillion-year-old short clips of alfian sa'at's and emma yong's performances in drama feste as well. and could hardly believe it when alfian sa'at said he was horrible at symbolism because he never ever took lit!

and eunice, nice and small as you requested ;)
our dearest eunice has found the love of her life! =) =) =) ok maybe not. but still.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Howl's Moving Castle is Super.

hullo hullo

Hey, this is Jeanine (dundundun), who surprisingly Is Not Dead, just in California. *waves* Yeah, long time no see.
It's 8:22pm and I'm trying to avoid Trig Identities.
Thankyou Eunice for the invite! Even though I feel a little extra & nothingtosay.

Oh oh oh GOODLUCK everyone for the results exclamationmark!!

There was an African tiger running loose around here, then they found it, and shot it. (No one is sure how the tiger got here, but they think it escaped from a large cats facility.)

Thursday, February 24, 2005

the day of reckoning, etc.

now that it's confirmed monday...let's settle meeting plans. BK breakfast! ( ...or lunch? o_o;; ) what time?

results are released at 2 p.m., if i recall correctly; we can like wander around after that and feel sad and nostalgic and stuff.

oh man oh man.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005


heyyy! forget all the brown white whatever letter rumours! they're utter rubbish - i say so!

and by the way, i heard results could be out next monday instead of this friday! that means we can all catch the oscars live in the morning! haha ;) plus we get two whole days of holidays [not to mention monday and tuesday are my long days heheheh]. the only thing is i'll have to take my mock pft this friday boooooo.

diana, remember to sms/call me when you get that phone call on the morning of the day! then i can be the first to congratulate you on your feat! =)

anyways, if you could not tell, heidi is happy today! film is looking good [everyone, keep your *edit* monday afternoons free!] and archery, here i come! =)
my past comes back to haunt me! who is the classmate in question? sheena? vishnupriya...? i didn't have birthday parties, i had mid-year and end-of-year parties. ^^;; i think it had something to do with how we had a simpler definition of fun, as kids.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Argh! Letter! The one telling you how to apply for JAE? I am trying not to listen to all the rumours.

Where are we going on Friday? The esplanade for another picnic? Or would that be odd? And I have already torn out my BK breakfast coupons.

By the way, speaking of parties, Janice Heng, your former P1-P3 classmate is in our class now, and she says that you used to throw very fun themed birthday parties every year with very artistic invitation cards. Or something. Must have been some sort of party if she remembers it seven years later. What happened to those parties? (We were looking at the Rosyth P6 yearbook - everyone looks so cute)

I have P.E. and a GP test tomorrow, argh. When I see RGS girls at the same bus stop as me in the morning, feel like getting on the 132/105 and following them to school.


Yo, about the letter, heard alot of rumours about it today as well. Apparently there's anotehr one asking people to become teachers, like about how only people who got 14 and above will get it =S and the brown letter thing, some people say it's according to district, some say they ran out of envelopes and some say it differs according to different scores in different districts >.<

And heidi, is it possible for one to be an honourary member of RAF? I wanna join too =D Although if it starts at 7.30 on fri, I'll always be late due to tkd training =S Eu, what's the film about? Sounds interesting^^ Just that I can only join after HC talentime. -Places a little advert here- Come for HC talentime!! The performers really ain't half bad and we are having -mysterious guests- too =D so come come come!!! Shall go off now to attempt to mug -pouts-

Oh yeah, are we really having BK breakfast on THE day?



yay i finally figured out how to post! this is so cool :)

did everybody get the Brown Letter?! so scarryy!! this guy frm my class says that if its brown you got 14 and below points. and if its white den you got 14-19 pts. wahh. but i tink its just a lousy rumour larr. i also know LOTS of smart smart pple who nv get the letter! then my friend say all those 9A1s wont get letter. is this true?

oh ya today for chem lecture the lecturer got loud booming voice!! so scary!! i bet its a ploy to keep people frm falling asleep! haha :)

and oh eunice i wana go kboxing! so fun. yay.


YAY OMG my group seniors got an A+ for their piece!! I'm so happy for them!! XD XD XD

Edit: Eh Faith why you still haven't joined yet? Do you need me to invite you again? And who else hasn't joined yet ah?

Sunday, February 20, 2005



OMG I haven't been online for the past few days because I have been out late doing TSD stuff or terribly sick (like I am now) and when I come there are so many posts to read ahahaha.

Anyway. LET'S GO KBOXING. On Friday. I have a membership card, meaning I dunno what, but it will be FUN.

And let's go kboxing on 12 March also (the day after my birthday) because it's a Saturday and it should be more convenient for you all right... THIS IS COMPULSARY FOR BROWNEEZ and Izzy. =P

I'm hopefully not going to school next week. I went for TP Open House, met my future seniors, and felt very happy.
Congrats Heidi on your Film thing. I wanna be involved! And yes people please say you'll help me with my film if you haven't already. =P <333
is it just me or does everyone [in the last few entries, save wenyi] sound terribly depressed..

went down to vj on friday to watch one tsd a level prelim piece, which was brilliant, and met atiqah after that! saw her campaign posters all over the place haha! i took a photo of it so anyone who wants to have a look can ask me! ;) but i very sadly missed eunice cos she was busy with shut-up crew. heard eunice's group's piece was really well acted though! =) just a little advertisment: tsd performances are wonderful. everyone should go watch their next public performances =)

incidentally, rj's drama feste is this week! poor kim, who's our fac's stage manager and is also acting, is really really tied up with all the rehearsals and meetings. i'm helping in props/costumes/make-up and have an important request: anyone with a big bowler hat and thick black rimmed specs without the lenses, we need them! and by wednesday latest. thanks muchly.

in other news, raffles academy of film has been accepted! hurrah! =) the school is giving us a one-year "trial period" after which we will be "reviewed".

let's have a 413 lunch on the day. swensens? or we can all troop down to the esplanade for another picnic =)

argh this haze is killing me.


why does everyone seem to be having such a slack time? I'm dying under the workload in HC now ='( Having 2 presentations, 2 SPA, 2 lecture quizes and 1 timed assignment next week. -goes off to hang self-

btw, for some weird reason, my comp is set in chinese mode now because some silly idioit went to delete the english setting, so now it can only view pages in chinese...#$%^&*!@

results results argh!

the only plus point would be that we actually get to SEE everyone at once...

why does everyone else post so fast?? everytime i actually look at this thing there are 10 plus posts for me to read.

how was friendship week? the councillors had... very interesting plans for us at RJ, just that rather few people were actually enthu enough. there was movie screening on monday tuesday thursday. and they needed AV pple to press the play button for them. dont ask me why. AV pple signed up for duty, went down for duty. I went on tue which had credible viewership, and on thu which was just sad. There was me, mingjie and a senior wudi, and we were all AVU members *hooray*. I thought people actually voted for this thing?

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Gosh I am not thinking. I was reading all the entries about next friday and I was thinking, what's going on next friday? you mean there's a class gathering I didn't hear about? haha sorry. Blur. Anyway all the best everyone, got a letter from MOE today about the JAE thing and got rather freaked out before I opened the envelope.

are people still reading this? yes right?

Hi. This is the first time I am online in about 3 or 4 days, and I am freaking tired and want to sleep again, but I have stuff to say, so.

Dramafeste here just ended tonight. I was in crew for my faculty (also Gina, Debbie and Zit's fac) play and it was good because we won 6 out of the 8 awards and our play was fantastic. Yay. Mrs Perry from RJ came to judge. It was so good that Debbie paid to watch it twice. And it was fun and not something I regret signing up for. Though I was tempted to call it Dramapest when we had late rehearsals the day before the Econs test and got screamed at. But it is over now.

Oh the filler performance before the judging results was this pseudo band called the Fruit and Veggie Cult. Or something. Our senior is in it. I think they will be performing at the RJ Dramafeste as filler item too. RJ people must look out for them. Muchly amusing.

News spreads fast. I shall refrain from saying anything about the Econs test because I always say the wrong thing and get suanned and insulted instead.

Also, I must mention that everyone here thinks that I hate them because apparently I have a permanently pissed expression on my face. People seem to be meaner in general now, me included. There is a Climate of Gossip and seemingly a lot of things to be mean about, and like a vicious cycle of meaness.

Tomorrow we are having JTS with our seniors at Hooters at Clarke Quay. The waitresses there wear skimpy clothes and dance with hula hoops. Cool.

I am argh. about Friday. But for once we will have all 29 of us at the same place at the same time again. Are we going to celebrate/cry together after that? We must! Where?

Friday, February 18, 2005

why is eunice so cool? i want to be cool tooooo. :p

i am so glad it rained today. a real relief, after the weeks of heat. but now the night sky isn't so clear...

next week: friday friday friday. at least we will get to see each other again...? >_>;;

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Exams are over!

So the TSD prelim exams are going on, but my group has finished theirs and it was rather well-received. Like, "Oh. My. God." and "that is THE BEST group piece I have ever seen.", which is good.

Tomorrow I'm shut-up crew, which means I go around telling people to shut up because our seniors are having their exams and there must be no noise.

Heidi can tell Corrie I say GOOD LUCK and ALL THE BEST. <3

Monday, February 14, 2005


Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I love you all! <3
people lazy mah, eunice.

but yes, happy platonic friendship day to you too. :p

where were the rjc 413ers after school today arh? didn't see you at the amphi.
Happy V-Day everyone! Haha, I didn't even know something was going on till the last minute, and even then I didn't have a clue about what was going on. Ohwell.
P.S. And if you didn't see this yesterday, no worries, you're not seeing things (that sounds weird, nevermind), this is backdated.


Why no one posting?

Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 11, 2005


O level results.


I want them to come the sooner the better so that I can get out of here. Not that I am not happy in VJ, but 1. I've wanted it for so long and poly just feels right to me, and 2. I need to start again because I am royally screwing up here.

Today I did my History essay (due today) at 4 or 5 in the morning. I actually woke up at 2, but I was stoning until the last possible moment. The teacher is going to slaughter me because it's only two pages. I am so doomed. I so want out of here.

I will miss the people I've met lah, but it's not like I will never see them again. I just need to go do something I really love.
Happy Chinese New Year.


Why is no one else posting comments? I thought the reason I was fixing the site was so that everything appeared and we could comment on posts. Well it was for me anyway. Sort of.

Anyway I'm up at 3.45 in the morning because I haven't done my History essay which is due today. Hohoho. If you think this is bad, I did my 2000 word TSD essay at 4am the day it was due. Blaaaaah.

And I hope y'all have fun with Garden State and whatnot later... I have cross-country! And probably a group slot (for TSD)...

And I'd better get to my essay now. Bye!

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Happy Chinese New Year everyone! =)

Really wish I could have gone back to RGS on Tuesday too! But I spent the entire Tuesday [and Wednesday and today for that matter] gorging on snacks, playing cards, sleeping and eating again, watching some vcds, then eat some more, and play more cards and finally sleep again in a very hot Malaysia. >Edit> Oh oh I got to play with firecrackers too! =) << Blah they shouldn't have the mock PFT thingy right after CNY.

And this is totally random but I wish they would be faster in announcing the results for new CCAs and that there were no second trials for archery. The suspense is killing me! Plus, it's not exactly nice to be CCA-less. Like, "What CCA are you in?" "Oh, I'm still in the process of trying out for archery and I'm setting up a new club but the results aren't out yet." =/

Anyways, I shall be seeing you all tomorrow [yay] albeit for a very short while cos I have, like, 3 concurrent gatherings wheeee. I hope I don't get too addicted to mahjong! ;)
HAPPY CNY! haha belated.

elly here. zit is being a brat and not typing anything. guess what i'm doing now.. haha listening to the huanzhugege soundtrack. so funky huh. haha my mother was so caught up with huanzhugege dunno how long ago and she bought the soundtrack and we just found it again while she was hunting for chinese new year songs. actually the soundtrack's quite nice. nice lyrics.

whos going for garden state tmr? haha i hope i can go down. tmr schedule quite packed.. ironic since its supposed to be a school day. once its a holiday everybody suddenly wants to do everything.

you know what let's have a reunion lunch or sth every chinese new year. yar? like every eve we eat lunch together.

k i gotta go.. see you ppl soon =)

Wednesday, February 09, 2005


Our posts are showing up! And there is no longer the stupid div problem with the layout! Yay Eunice! Except that Wenyi's URL to the bus guide thing is excessively long.

I wouldn't mind permanently reading posts from the dashboard, except that my post was the last one that appeared, and it was getting embarassing. And the page that we have been calling the Dashboard isn't really the Dashboard. It says "Back to Dashboard" on top.

Not sure what to say about today, except that Mrs Bala's hair is still nice and curly, though not as poofy.

Happy Chicken New Year everyone, may you all have loads of drumsticks.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Y'all are WEIRD.

Yeah. That.

Y'all are WEIRD.

IT WORKS! ... almost

The main page now shows all the posts, but I can't seem to find the problem with the div layer. WHY IS IT OVERLAPPING!! ARGH.

Monday, February 07, 2005


I feel like an idiot for not realising that there had been 3452 messages posted. The main page is not working!

I am dead tired and suddenly all my MSN convos have died off. How interesting.

I"ll see you guys soon and gah i can't type anything long right now. My brain is degenerating.

my "sad" life

not gonna be in Singapore for CNY *AGAIN* just like Christmas and the like =(
anyway. the friday thing is crashing IJC. though i have no idea what's going on now =P i heard... or rather i didn't hear tt hc pple would have a holiday on friday. so.

and just cos i feel like crapping let me tell you what i did today... or rather, what i saw.. and er... somth a few days ago =P

so today. we had bio prac. we all know SPA by now... so audrey (yes, audrey lee.. prefect, top scorer now relief teacher for my class) was going through the whole darn prac worksheet... and so we learnt how to fill a syringe *yay?*
then, the guys in my class, like the very mature people they pretend to be started squirting water at everyone... with syringes and the plastic pipette thingys. in the middle of bio prac... not to mention throwing onion and potato peelings around...

my class has also dubbed A41 the tian1 qun2 (sky skirt) classroom.
we have a mixed chinese class there... mine, 1SO3Q and nat's !SO3E... and the class had this u-shaped table arrangement, which did not provide much resistance for air currents. so chinese teacher walks in wearing not-so-long but very flowy skirt. and gets us to write zhuowens. so we all nod and pretend to.

Herein lies the tragedy... poor matheus from my class looked up at the wrong moment when the teacher was facing the opposite direction talking to someone sitting near me. and skirt chose that moment to fly. imagine getting flashed by a teacher... and it flew pretty high mind you. so everyone around him heard "NOOOO! OH MY GOD!" and they (all guys nearby) all looked up going "what?!?! what's the matter"... and for the next 5 minutes or so there were 5 very red faced boys sitting in one row glaring at him. :S

yep. so disaster over. all the guys in that row took to staring out the window and staring at the teacher's head or the fans. then. teacher decides to walk the other way and talk to someone on their row... and skirt decides to fly again. and we all observed this poor guy on the opposite side cringing covering his eyes and going *noooooo* and the girls on either side of him poking him and telling him that he's turning red.

poor guys. =P

Sunday, February 06, 2005

once in a blue moon reply

I finally got to read the letter!! A few days ago during CT that is. Heh, miss all of you guys loads! Haven't gone for a single 413 gathering so far =( So wenyi, I'll prob turn up, somewhere in bishan since I can't gurantee I'll land up at the correct bustop =S

Oh yeah, Gina, the only reason i heard it was coz council's a real good source of info and we talk with our seniors alot^^ And humans does end early, my class has like one lesson break i think, mostly once and our latest is 5.20 =( after which i crash canoeing training, which shiki and charmaine scold me for >.< And i think I remember the sji one, though I'm not sure if his name was justin. He's taking Lit though he didn't take it in sec school right?

And my bench is in the wing that's opp to cihan's. Dont ask me whether it's left or right because i still haven't figured it out >.< It's the side nearer to the audi. Let me do some Promotion!! We're having HC talenttime on 5th march if I'm not wrong. Get tix and watch!! Some of the bands really ain't that bad, saw the auditions =S This annoucement is brought to you by a member of the AV/PA =D

Haha, my class doesn't have that many secrets because they get dug out sooner or later but we do have an insane number of scandals!! It's crazy I tell you.

And what time are we meeting in RG for CNY? Coz I;m gonna try and get off having to film more than stals for CNY = I'm trying to skip fac dance coz we have to do Tata Young -shudder-

Eu! VJ sounds real fun but haven't had an opportunity to crash coz of the sucky timetable =( and we actually have some talk with royston tan somewhere this year i think!!And Mrs See is still teaching in RG or at least she was at the beginning of the year >.<


Saturday, February 05, 2005


Yay, there have been a considerable number of posts since I last posted, so I don't feel bad.

Anyway, my day. Yesterday, ________:
# I was happy.
# Was uniform swapping day in my class. I wore the St Nics uni, and looked un-St-Nic-ish. Oh well. Quite amusing to throw pinafores over the wall between toilet cubicles.
# Heard gossip about Citrus Fruit (note that Citrus Fruit is not Bubblegum or Potted Plant or Lee Hsien Loong). We have more amusing codenames for people, and that is bad, because it makes you want to say something about the person just so that you can use the codename in a sentence.
# Alfian Sa'at came for Litwing, and was cool and very entertaining.
# I went to J8 to sing Janice Heng birthday songs! And listen to people sing the RJ school song in Delifrance! And I was happy some more.

Today I counted coins for Interact, and saw a lot of cool foreign coins which I wanted to steal for Janice, but didn't. We've already given her the tin anyway.

Gina, Debbie and I have a letter reply for the RJ people, but it doesn't seem relevant anymore, so I didn't pass it to you guys.

I must also show you all an interesting parallel.


wenyi: If HC has a holiday on Friday, I'll be at the bus stop. Currently, no one has said that there is no holiday, so I'm assuming there is one. This must be a logical fallacy of some sort - argumentum ad something-or-other. But I don't care.

eu: Could you just switch the layout of the blog to one of the default ones and see if the posts appear? I have been the last person who posted for a long time.

charity: What are you referring to in you MSN nick that excludes HC people? Are you coming to visit us? Surprise us, come on.

you guys rock, man. :D thankyou for the milo tin.

also, wenyi: i shall be at the bus-stop! hopefully the right one. o_o ahaha cluedo rocks. and my class likes bloody knuckles, except they play bloody knuckles: truth or dare.
hiiiii. this is elly from zitandelly's account.

haha diana the Rafflesian Spirit. The name has spread so fast!! Shumin came up with it one day during recess and my class went on a photo taking frenzy. so now like more than half the class has a picture of her in their phones. i didnt want to take one. cos its mean! ok i originally thot she was just being overly wayang and drama about it but it turns out she was actually in an accident and her face got disfigured. so she covers it up with craploads of make-up. saad.

happy birthday janice!

anyway i just had an overnight odac hike around singapore the whole of last night. left rj at 6.30pm and we reached rj this morning at 7.30am. so we walked for 13 hours. my new odac friend kindly pointed out that at the end of our journey our displacement was 0 metres. sweet. and we really WALKED LIKE CRAP. my feet were so painful i couldnt feel them and walking in the dark in the middle of the forest with absolutely no light [we couldnt use torches] is quite terrifying. Walking 40+ km nonstop in the dead of the night is mind-numbing. Especially since we would have been in peaceful slumber if it were an ordinary night.

how are you ppl getting on elsewhere? tell about your day! or sth! bet everyone is having fun wherever you are. haha hc ppl my ny friend was telling me ghost stories abt the hc schools.. kinda freaky la. your sch so old anyway what.. rj is so new.. no stories at all.

btw they're bringing the house system back! and we're using the old houses. so basically i'm still gonna be in richard. i dont really know how its gonna work but i think it'll be pretty funky. =)

alriight. i'm gonna try get some work done. see yaaaa


Thursday, February 03, 2005


At this moment, film soc is on Friday. Results aren't out yet, but I think they'll be out by after CNY week. But I guess the times will be quite flexible. I'm also thinking that I may have over-committed myself with starting a club, joining archery, possibly joining alchemy, being in o2, registering for srp [if I get thru the aptitude test and rmm] and should I run for council? Hmm.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

various notes to various people

Eunice: I can try arranging for you to come & help in film academy. You'd be a LOT of help! =) And I want to help in your experimental film thingum! Oh & I'm glad PA is fun =) TSD needs a PA person.

[*My CT is cool. He's taught GP in VJ, Media studies (or something to that effect) in Singapore Poly, been director/writer of many many films, some of which have actually won awards, he knows Royston Tan personally, and is overjoyed by my request for him to be teacher i/c of film academy]

Hanyin & Gina: What's HC's film soc like?

RJ people: I never got to write in the letter!

HC people: Know that I really wanted to write to you all & say I love you!

Everyone: Who wants to visit RGS with me next Monday instead of next Tuesday [as I won't be in Singapore then]?

I love you from the bottom of my pencilcase

Dedicated to Hanyin, not technically a title, but a line from a song I heard one day on the way to school.
Physics lectures are the most boring of the lot, and I swear the fellas in the control room in LT1 are sadistic, the LT is always freezing, even with a jacket (though I hear LT5 is just as bad) Today, though, we got to see a clip from Ice Age, featuring the neurotic prehistoric squirrel, as an intro for Kinematics. My OG has decided to dedicate Wednesday to OG lunch, we're probably going to run out of places to eat soon. And RJ doesn't have a school cat, though it does have a Rafflesian Spirit. And I use commas excessively, ugh.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

I *am* posting!

Hah! I am posting! I just haven't been online the past few days.


In other news, the GEP table at VJ rocks. We elitist shits go there to chiong homework in the morning. It's great fun.

And there's an audition for girls from 16 - 18 years at 42 Jalan Mutiara for some Raintree Pictures production this whole week. Apparently TSD always gets these type of offers to audition. I'm going tomorrow, I think if anyone is interested... I dunno what happens, but SMS me I'll give you a number to call? Yep.

Not much to say here, I need to blog a lot in my own blog. Heh, bit strange, this.

If anyone doesn't know where it is it's here.

Edit: Oh, and blogger help says they don't solve customised html problems. -_- How shitty.