Saturday, February 19, 2005

are people still reading this? yes right?

Hi. This is the first time I am online in about 3 or 4 days, and I am freaking tired and want to sleep again, but I have stuff to say, so.

Dramafeste here just ended tonight. I was in crew for my faculty (also Gina, Debbie and Zit's fac) play and it was good because we won 6 out of the 8 awards and our play was fantastic. Yay. Mrs Perry from RJ came to judge. It was so good that Debbie paid to watch it twice. And it was fun and not something I regret signing up for. Though I was tempted to call it Dramapest when we had late rehearsals the day before the Econs test and got screamed at. But it is over now.

Oh the filler performance before the judging results was this pseudo band called the Fruit and Veggie Cult. Or something. Our senior is in it. I think they will be performing at the RJ Dramafeste as filler item too. RJ people must look out for them. Muchly amusing.

News spreads fast. I shall refrain from saying anything about the Econs test because I always say the wrong thing and get suanned and insulted instead.

Also, I must mention that everyone here thinks that I hate them because apparently I have a permanently pissed expression on my face. People seem to be meaner in general now, me included. There is a Climate of Gossip and seemingly a lot of things to be mean about, and like a vicious cycle of meaness.

Tomorrow we are having JTS with our seniors at Hooters at Clarke Quay. The waitresses there wear skimpy clothes and dance with hula hoops. Cool.

I am argh. about Friday. But for once we will have all 29 of us at the same place at the same time again. Are we going to celebrate/cry together after that? We must! Where?


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