Thursday, March 31, 2005

Carpe Diem

Seize the day
This phrase popped into mind and I was wondering where I learnt it from. Recalled it was from you litty/histy people and Mrs bala was joking about seizing the day of seizures.

All of a sudden it makes a lot of sense.

Carpe Diem.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

EUNICE IS THE COOLEST PERSON I KNOW. but hanyin can be second coolest. *waves flag* hurrah for muggernet!

( your email links are broken, though. forgot the mailto: bit? )


*is very good at reverse psychology*

Hi. This is Hanyin! Who is typing on Eunice's computer. We are setting up a cool site.


Eunice refuses to say anything except Yo. I don't know. Eunice also says that everybody should go for Madhatters.

Yes. I do say that. I also CAN, in fact, say things other than Yo. Like WASSUP.

Aren't those the names of Zit's cats?

Yes indeed. Though one went missing. Poor kitty. Poor Zit.

As you can see we are typing trash really intellectual stuff. Anyway, perhaps we should advertise more for our site. Currently there is nothing on it except the construction sign and bagpipes blowing happy birthday for Eunice.

Yes. Much fun. They blink, if you notice. Hanyin is a genius.

So is Eunice. We are indulging in another session of mutual ego-boosting again.

Hurrah! Hurrah!

Let's have tea.

Yay. Okay, bye.

Friday, March 25, 2005

so here is my long overdue post.

o2 is over. [oh yes! welcome to rj zit! =)] which also means the real school work starts after this. i hope hope hope my 2 poor classmates who were transferred to other classes due to terrible glitches in the school system can come back. sigh.

regarding our upcoming event of utmost importance, is everyone is going? eunice, do you book tickets? oh and if we want to treat mrs bala to dinner, we could have an april 13th dinner. it'll be rather cool to see everyone again, and in their new school uniforms too. oh except for dear eu =)
and easter is coming! anyone want to join me? this saturday afternoon/ sunday morning at the indoor stadium. let me know asap! =)

p.s. i'm glad you enjoyed your birthday party eunice! wish i could have stayed longer though. had fun doing some shopping with atiqah, whom i hope is well and rested?

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

What has Eu been up to?

Practising hat tricks in her room with her Really Cool Hat so she can busk on the streets and earn money.

Nothing much, actually.

Sunday, March 20, 2005


Hello everyone!

I hope no one's dead yet?


Wednesday, March 16, 2005


thank you all who donated to CHARITY!

m.e.e.f. has been a success! I Got New Blades =D (ee... crooked eyes)

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

I got a job!

That is all.

as promised

this guy. in my class is the first person i've known:

1. to be able to shake his legs, two at a time, his torso and the canteen bench and table at the same time (and he shakes them left and right when sitting... like if you hold a bottle between your knees with your hands and shake your legs so that you squeeze the bottle at intervals... now and then shaking the 'normal' way up and down)

also the first person i've known to shake legs standing up and shakes all the time

2. who feels his leg up looking for his handphone in his pocket looking for all the world like he is masturbating

3. who has the floppy hand syndrome while running. not girlish-ly.. something i cant describe, it's just floppy

4. who wobbles from side to side while walking... i mean... severely (he is quite fat yes)

5. who looks like a pig... piggish anyway, small eyes & fat lips (but that's not his fault)... looks lecherous too, not his fault either.

6. who is a true blue mugger. i think he was born of a book. or else has nothing better to do. i do believe he has finished all his tutorials.. probably since the beginning of last week

7. who plays the french horn (this is for christine.. and he's in my class so angel knows him)

8. who said 'you guys are having crazy sex arh!' walking into the classroom where the guys were being guys and carrying each other around

9. who said 'don't rape the bottle' when we were passing it around to find someone who could open it (the juice bottle thing stall one sells which is pretty badly manufactured)

10. who is surprisingly helpful and nice, discounting the foul mouth and the words that unthinkingly get spouted out

11. who thinks that we are all good friends (honestly i think it should be called toleration, not friendship.. at the moment anyway)

we. have made a pact. to transform him into a good RJ boy. any ideas? it'll probably be our life's achievement. if we're successful that is =

Friday, March 11, 2005

class birthday!

i had exactly the same idea as eunice! so everyone please keep 7 april free. we can have an early class birthday since it'll be difficult to arrange anything else.

that's all. this was meant to be a comment but the thingum is not working and i'm sleepy and still need to go for school tomorrowww. i shall post again soon. bye.

contact lists!

I got a new email (msn will stay the same unless I decide it shouldn't) - iced.mink[at]gmail[dot]com (yes Hanyin I went ahead with it anyway) and doing my address book out nicely with addresses and contact numbers and addresses and all and I think it's helpful for all of us also to post a comment if any of your contact information is not the same as the one in the book/our last contact list? Also post which email you want messages sent to if you've changed email like a lot (or even once, heh). Thanks. =)

Thursday, March 10, 2005

class birthday?

Please please please go watch the Madhatters it's really fun and tonight they were playing to a grand total of like eight people so it's quite sad RENT-A-CROWD WHERE ARE YOU?

7 April
Dramaplus Arts Studio 33
Kerbau Road (Little India Arts Belt)

413 outing? To celebrate class birthday?

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

argh. now mathtestmathtestmathtest.

oh. i passed chem.. and not that close to a bare pass. surprising.
and i'm gathering up the courage to post a looong post on one of my classmates... who happens to be quite horrible and weird and christine might know him cos he's in band.

Friday, March 04, 2005


Okay so I'm clearing my room, right, and I find the plastic folders we used for last year's Heritage Tree Trail! Egads! Whose are they, and do you want it back? I'm so sorry for keeping them for so long! >.<

Also, who wants to go for Roger Jenkin's Madhatters improv comedy show next Thursday (10 March)? It's $15, tickets at the door, 8 pm, Kerbau Road (right next to Little India MRT I think). It will be fun! I hope.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

argh chemtestchemtestchemtest.

no. there is no point to this post.


I have officially quit school.

I have a film to make, and KBOXing to do. Who wants to help this young starving dudette?

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Wherein Faith is Cryptic.

Hello everyone! :D

Well. I am sort of in the middle of procastinating my smelly International hist. term paper. Which has a 2000 word limit to a boring question that requires me to write about everything to do with the US policy of containment. Basically, everything.

Anyway. I am also busy obsessing over how cool Howl's (actual) Castle was. I want one. 2. three. 4. Ok, I just want Howl. Hehhh. Or Markl.

Well I think our class performed quite admirably :] That is cool. Yeah I guess there's always going to be something we won't be happy with until we get THE perfect score, but ehh Oprah Winfrey always says "turn the destructive into constructive". Ahem.

Hey ok I should do stuff now.