Monday, January 31, 2005

living in your letters

It is late and I am Appearing Offline. But just thought I should post something before I decide whether to go to sleep or re-type/write my Econs notes (which I have not started on - distractions online, argh).

But yes, we got the note from the RJ people. So far only Gina, Debbie & I have read it, because we have not seen anyone except Ci Han, whose name we screamed from the top of the bridge where we were. (Hwei, is your class bench in left or right wing?) I had to ask the messenger specifically for it this time. I hope I remembered to say thank you before scrambling to open it.

Am not sure if we will be writing another letter now that we have a blog, but we have a CT session tomorrow, so if that is boring, we'll bring foolscap.

So don't want to say too much, except that Zit is talking rubbish when she says HC has no gossip. I think I have heard more gossip in the past month than I have in the past four years in RGS. This is not a a good thing. Really wish we were back to our simple days at our nunnery (so my angel calls it) where people were less secretive and there was nothing (much) to gossip about. Or so I believed anyway. Ignorance is bliss.

I think I shall sleep. My school work is dead anyway. I failed to notice that a sonnet was a sonnet in Prac Crit today, and said some embarassing things. Also realised I've been pronouncing "enjambment" wrongly for the past few years. Argh.

P.S.: Will other people please post? It seems as if Gina, Wenyi and I have been posting alternately. There must be interesting things going on in RJ and VJ. I feel out of the loop. You don't have to write about your class.

P.P.S.: Litwing is not actually literature for pigeons, as Diana thinks it is.


Somehow I don't know anything about the notes. Diff wing from the HC guys, so the people who are coming over to HC, come the other wing as well and visit the corner bench!! aka S63 class bench =D Don't see you guys around school much, maybe coz our breaks don't meet. Oh, there's a scandal about a humans couple making out i think, involving one rg girl and a cat high guy >.<

Btw, after elly came over the other time, the table spoilt i think and council fixed it. But shi yang and jem gladly help us jam it anytime, so we still can play it^^ Humans seem so slack, you guys don't have to suffer SPA! Lucky people...and you all get let off early... Oh yeah, Dont crash chem lectures, they're dead boring, esp if it's meant for the s6 classes, the teac is very very niao =S Hope to see you guys soon!! Tata for now^^

Sunday, January 30, 2005

we shared some information we might not recover from

But titles are fun Janice. This title is dedicated to Diana and Meltan. Assuming that blogger does not eat any part of it.

From what I can tell from the blog/MSN, here is a tentative schedule of what is happening. Correct me if I am wrong.

4th Feb (Friday): Some Plans
8th Feb (Tuesday, CNY Eve): Visit RGS?
11th Feb (Friday, extra holiday for some): Crash Innova/Watch Garden State

We have not played mafia in our new class simply because there is no room for it. The back of the classroom seems to permanently occupied by people playing football or rugby, and the sides by people playing bridge/daidee. There is, however, this secluded corner balcony beside the two Humans classrooms. But that is a scary place because you can't tell who may be hiding there until you actually turn in. Unpleasant surprises. Sometimes, it is just people playing chongkat though.

Come crash HC! The whole day! It should be perfectly safe if you crash the Humans classes. 9 out of 50 of us are from RGS GEP anyway (3 from 412, 3 from 413 & 3 from 414), so you will not feel out of place. We can point out all the interesting personalities to you. There are many. And we can play table soccer in the Students' Lounge for free, since Elly did stuff to the table the last time she was here.

Gina: Marie Antionette was "pert and saucy". I do not care what Isaac says. Debbie on the other hand, has not given me a satisfactory explanation for the "slandering [me] behind [my] back" thing.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

who needs titles anyway.

i am very blur about all this, but trala. must confirm about the crashing days/times and tell me, okay.

( i am in no ccas that can earn me points! hurrah. -_-;; )

i miss you all. i also miss mafia. they play it differently here and half of them call it 'polar bear'. :(

anyway. yes. i don't have much to say at the moment, i'm afraid.

nothing here

Technically I should be at my grandma's house watching the Gunners - Wolves match, but I figured it would boring, so here I am (and thankfully so, it's the 42nd minute and the score is still 0-0, argh)
Concerning CCAs, I've tried out for air rifle/pistol, archery, went for astronomy on Friday, am in the Malay Cultural Society by default.
My class is funky, we have a magician in our class who does card tricks. He did one on Thursday, and now the 3 of diamonds is stuck to the canteen ceiling, probably permanently (unless someone bothers to take it down), and effectively marking the tables underneath it as ours. Heh. We've only played mafia once, but it was a very warped version, with doctors and detectives that could ask the game master if a person was a mafioso. Sigh, nothing can/will beat 413 mafia. My brain has frozen up so I shall stop here.

Some Plans and other things

Everyone in RJ ask Elly and everyone in HC ask Hanyin about Some Plans. XD

I'm having loads of fun with the people here, and TSD is getting more and more interesting, so even though all the other classes are boring and I consistently don't do my math tutorials, things are good.

I still miss you though.

My class has been saying how different I am because I finally opened up. But life needs some insanity in it, no? =P And today we went out with my civics tutor for our Service Learning Journey and I was filming him and he said something like "Eunice you look so normal in class!"


Oh and I've emailed the blogger people, so hopefully the problems will be solved soon.

title (and registration)

Haha wenyi, your title does amuse me. I used that line somewhere else too! Just sent that song to mel tan a while back. I realise "a while back" is really quite a long time now - we're approaching the end of January. A while back (beginning of the year), I thought it was terrible to wait until CNY to have our first 413 reunion. Not even sure if that is happening now.

On second thought, it is better that our posts aren't getting published, so we're the only ones reading this blog for now. Though anyone visiting will think it is stagnating. Even so, everyone else should post more so I don't feel bad for posting.

When is all the crashing happening? Who is going back to RG? Which Friday are we talking about? Alfian Sa'at is supposedly coming to HC next Friday (Feb 4th) for Litwing. So Some Plans (looks at Eu), may be disrupted. Still not sure if the HC people have a holiday on the 11th.

I am feeling indignant because nobody wants to visit HC. We had a RJ Science guy sitting in on our Humanz lectures a few days ago.

Looking foward to receiving the note. Zit koped the last one, and says she sleeps with it under her pillow. Notes on paper are more tangible, and more fun. Everyone is trebuchet-y here. But yes, the messenger is probably tortured, and finds it odd that we refer to wenyi as wenyi.

Hope everything is good and happy in RJ (and VJ).


why do you people have confirmed ccas?!?! i only know what i'd like to join and i dont know if i got in...

i only know i'm in AVU and in wushu... that is... wushu if my parents don't object *blah* then tried out for archery, shooting, interact... honestly what's the chance that i'll get in. i'm wondering


Haha, it's such a small world, can't believe cheeky's cell leader is your bro! MJ's in your class too right kim? And I miss 413 lotsa! btw, do they do poling in rj? It's really really funny to watch, poled two guys today, senior and clsmate^^ Though it is painful -oww-

As for my current class, it's really heng that I got it, coz they're really fun-loving and great but in a different way from 413 =S We're all like one huge clique^^ the most impt thing is...We don't speak chinese!!! Had CLAO lesson today and all of us positively died doing the test :'(

I'm still waiting for a class gathering =( wanna meet you guys soon!! And are we going back to rg for cny?

Friday, January 28, 2005

Hey Kim! Guess what! Hweifen's angel is in your brother's cell group. Okay that was so random.

I miss 413, I haven't gotten the hang of my new class yet. Argh. Su-E it was cool to see you again though. :)

Thursday, January 27, 2005

crashing innova

we're settling on the cny holiday 11th feb fri, the extra one... cos all of us have the holiday if i'm not wrong and innova JC doesnt *heh* yup

eu and I can't make it tho.. anyone else who cant msg me or somth, I wanna try to go this or next week.

me again

The last entry I see is my own too. Is something wrong? I am reading everything from the dashboard thing.

Anyway, CCAs I am in are Interact, HACAS and ELDDFS (Film Soc, and possibly Drama & Litwing, though probably not Litwing as they are so brilliant they intimidate me).

Good luck with setting up Film Soc in RJ! So far, Gina and I have gone for one HC Film Soc outing to watch this, which was quite cool (the films anyway, we were the only two J1s at the outing), and we are going for the next one in Feb, probably with more people this time. Maybe we can meet each other at Film Fests and things! Fun! I think everyone in Film Soc here is supposed to make at least one film in the 2 years here. Eunice don't be heart broken. You are brilliant without a Film Soc.

New class is loud, sometimes overly so in a 413 way. Share a homeroom with the senior class, which makes things more interesting than they already are.

Random, but: There are a total of three free thinkers (including me) in my class now (i think), and we all listen to indie rock. Quite amusing, as we were at the Esplanade, at almost exactly the same place where we (various members of 413) heard The Postal Service playing while eating ice-cream, when we (new class people) discovered we all listen to Death Cab. It was odd standing at the same place with new people.

Schedule is in a mess now. I don't even keep my nice ordered lists anymore, the ones with dates to black out when they are over. No idea when I have anything on, and decide what to go for/pon the night before or the day itself. So not sure if am going to crash Innova. Won't go if no one else from HC is going since it is so far away and I have no idea how to get there.

Random, again: I am going to the Asia Premiere of the SpongeBob Squarepants Movie at Sentosa! Whee. There is a Bikini Bottom beach party. I need brain release and an escape from production possibility boundaries.

Am feeling very stoned now, as you probably can tell. Still miss 413 very much though.

this post intentionally left titleless


The last post I see is Hanyin's too! >.<

And ARGH HEIDI ARGH! How, tell me how exactly you can set up a film academy and I don't get to be in it?? And a feature film damn you I never wanna talk to you again >.<<<<<<

I'm just kidding about the never wanna talk to you again part but ARGHHHHH. My heart is broken.


Anyway. This last week I have opened up a considerable amount so I am back to normal (i.e. insane) and that is good. I have joined harmonica ensemble and PA crew, and PA crew is a lot of fun. So that is good too. I also signed up for astronomy, but they've had a meeting I couldn't go to, and I can't go for tomorrow's meeting either, so I don't know what the situation is for that. I think I'm quite sure I'm going to poly, so. Been going to the open houses (actually only went for one lah - Ngee Ann) and hoping my English gets a distinction so that I can actually make it to the course I want. >.<

So school is fun, life is good, and ARRRRGH TO YOU HEIDI.

=P =D

an eight-point post

Whee! What a lovely blog! =)

1. I can't see the latest posts either, Wenyi =/

2. I am going for Archery trials tomorrow [& they'd better let me qualify! Hanyin & Eu: The Archery coach knows Mr Lee!] Am also setting up the Raffles Academy of Film [R(A)F]. Everyone in RJ is more than welcome to join! And those who aren't can come and crash or something. It's going to be really really exciting cos apart from the film appreciation, short films etc., Sarah Ong & I are planning to produce a feature film =) I joined Photography & Astronomy as well, but I guess I'll have to quit once I get approval for Film [results will be out by mid-Feb. Pray we'll be accepted!]. Maybe I'll run for Council too.

3. Yes Hanyin we have received and read and re-read your letter!

4. I want to crash Innova too!

5. Let's have a class gathering on the CNY weekend! Oh I know! Why don't we crash Innova on the Friday of CNY week? Then proceed to watch Garden State at Wenyi's house.

6. I can't wait to see everyone again!! [My current class is somewhat like 413. Relatively noisy / not too muggerish / copying of homework / lots of class games. But they very sadly do not get Mafia. Ah well. Nothing can ever beat 413!]

7. I can't wait to watch Finding Neverland!

8. Oh dear, Roger Federer is out of the Australian Open, sniff =(

[ok sorry the last 2 points were totally irrelevant.]

Love you all,

Wednesday, January 26, 2005


hullo, from Mrs Naidu to all minus the bits meant for me.

Sorry, I know I promised to write 2 days ago but things are crazy here. Hope school is fun for you and that you're making lots of good friends:)

Ok, here's the schedule for these next 2 weeks.

Tomorrow and Friday are not good.
Finish at 530 tomorrow and I need to head down to SIM in Clementi Rd to collect my materials for my BA (Psych) degree prog.
Friday, I am heading down to 1st Toa Payoh Sec at 5 pm, after staff meeting and a leadership workshop for CT Reps coz RG will be debating in the first round of the national tournament.

Next week looks good so far.
Wed and Fri are CCA days here, so we end early. 130 on Wed and 1230 on Fridays. So, if you guys wanna come down, these 2 days are perfect. I can wait for you
til about 4 on Wed and 5 on Friday if you are coming.
But be warned, it is a long walk to IJC from the main road because there are no buses. And it is HOT in this area. Esp in the late afternoons. If you guys are taking cabs, its 21 Champions Way. Just tell the cabdriver it is next to the Sports School. Some cab drivers know this place already.

So, as and when you guys want to come down, just give me a day warning, can?
Btw, some fellas from 411 wanted to come down too. Maybe can hook up with them also. Zhern Leing and company.

I cant wait to see you guys. I miss you all more than you know. And I do hope you got the good teachers that you deserve wherever you all are.

mrs naidu

and in a different email:
I forgot all about a course next Friday. Prob will end at 4 or 5 pm. So, i dont know if you guys wanna make it down that late.

so sweet! =) heh.. anyway, go post your crashing times on msn groups following her schedule.

additions to that: council meeting next wed at 2, will end at 3, normal days end at abt 530 if i'm not wrong.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Boo, I'm having problems viewing the layout the way it's supposed to be. I think it's my browser. Anyway, hope you like the look. And yes I AM COOL MWAHAHAHA.

Edit: Right. We now have title fields.



If anyone wants to work with me on an experimental film, probably after results come out, please contact me. I think it's going to be quite fun, and the biggest video project I've done yet. For some time I've been looking for something that I can do all by myself, but it was really difficult. Then I decided that this stuff is essentially all about teamwork, so this time I won't limit myself too much with numbers.

(Haha I sound like I've done a lot like that.)
HEY! I have the incredible urge to type in CAPS because I am so excited, but I shan't.

Yes, Eunice is cool.

Yes, when are we crashing Innova? And who is willing to go to Woodlands to crash?

I hope the RJ people have received the very pointless letter from Gina & I. Written during our Chinese History class. Bah, we have another one tomorrow. Maybe we will write another letter if we are bored.

Have watched Garden State, and it is brilliant (classmate lent me his illegal copy). But wouldn't mind watching again with everyone else, so. We must have a gathering during CNY, and it must materialise this time.

Oh, and our (Debbie, Gina & I) new class has a temporary blog here, if anyone is interested. But it is rather boring now, so. I should stop ending sentences with so, so - whee.

hullo all! this is really amusing =)
innova... uh Mrs Naidu hasn't sent me her schedule yet... I'll remind her or somth... then we can plan for it. I think two days is good? We all have different timetables and CCAs on different days. So.. reach there abt 5 cos pple end at different times, catch her to talk to her.

And about RJ cos this is a blog post.

My class is rather funky, very 413ish in terms of the socialising but everyone's so mugger! There's this guy who finishes his tutorials the day he gets them, whether we've learnt the stuff or not. If it's not taught yet he just reads the notes and does it *gosh*

It's nowhere as close as we all were/ hopefully will continue to be. No potential close friends in class, which is sad.. no potential cliques either which is good. Miss you guys... the whole spontaneous class stuff.. morning sleepiness until Gina enters the room =) I shall not ramble. I'll post Naidu's schedule on msn groups once I get it
eunice is the coolest. :D

when are we crashing innova arh.


So here's something that was in the making since the end of last year, and I hope everyone will post.

<333 eunice

Cool. Hello everyone! How come we can't put titles and stuffs here...