Saturday, January 29, 2005


Haha, it's such a small world, can't believe cheeky's cell leader is your bro! MJ's in your class too right kim? And I miss 413 lotsa! btw, do they do poling in rj? It's really really funny to watch, poled two guys today, senior and clsmate^^ Though it is painful -oww-

As for my current class, it's really heng that I got it, coz they're really fun-loving and great but in a different way from 413 =S We're all like one huge clique^^ the most impt thing is...We don't speak chinese!!! Had CLAO lesson today and all of us positively died doing the test :'(

I'm still waiting for a class gathering =( wanna meet you guys soon!! And are we going back to rg for cny?


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