nothing here
Technically I should be at my grandma's house watching the Gunners - Wolves match, but I figured it would boring, so here I am (and thankfully so, it's the 42nd minute and the score is still 0-0, argh)
Concerning CCAs, I've tried out for air rifle/pistol, archery, went for astronomy on Friday, am in the Malay Cultural Society by default.
My class is funky, we have a magician in our class who does card tricks. He did one on Thursday, and now the 3 of diamonds is stuck to the canteen ceiling, probably permanently (unless someone bothers to take it down), and effectively marking the tables underneath it as ours. Heh. We've only played mafia once, but it was a very warped version, with doctors and detectives that could ask the game master if a person was a mafioso. Sigh, nothing can/will beat 413 mafia. My brain has frozen up so I shall stop here.
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