Tuesday, March 15, 2005

as promised

this guy. in my class is the first person i've known:

1. to be able to shake his legs, two at a time, his torso and the canteen bench and table at the same time (and he shakes them left and right when sitting... like if you hold a bottle between your knees with your hands and shake your legs so that you squeeze the bottle at intervals... now and then shaking the 'normal' way up and down)

also the first person i've known to shake legs standing up and shakes all the time

2. who feels his leg up looking for his handphone in his pocket looking for all the world like he is masturbating

3. who has the floppy hand syndrome while running. not girlish-ly.. something i cant describe, it's just floppy

4. who wobbles from side to side while walking... i mean... severely (he is quite fat yes)

5. who looks like a pig... piggish anyway, small eyes & fat lips (but that's not his fault)... looks lecherous too, not his fault either.

6. who is a true blue mugger. i think he was born of a book. or else has nothing better to do. i do believe he has finished all his tutorials.. probably since the beginning of last week

7. who plays the french horn (this is for christine.. and he's in my class so angel knows him)

8. who said 'you guys are having crazy sex arh!' walking into the classroom where the guys were being guys and carrying each other around

9. who said 'don't rape the bottle' when we were passing it around to find someone who could open it (the juice bottle thing stall one sells which is pretty badly manufactured)

10. who is surprisingly helpful and nice, discounting the foul mouth and the words that unthinkingly get spouted out

11. who thinks that we are all good friends (honestly i think it should be called toleration, not friendship.. at the moment anyway)

we. have made a pact. to transform him into a good RJ boy. any ideas? it'll probably be our life's achievement. if we're successful that is =


Blogger Eunice said...

oh dear.

8:32 pm  
Blogger Evelyn said...

Ah, him. He's not all that bad I suppose, I feel quite sorry for him actually. I've no suggestions how to 'convert' him, except ... try to accept instead of change him? (:

10:02 am  
Blogger cherie~ said...

he isnt bad.. he's just... him
but if we accept him, can you imagine him going out into the world like that...

7:20 pm  
Blogger Evelyn said...

he's quite cute, lahh :P what defines a "good RJ boy" anyway?

10:51 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have a bad idea of who he is..does he call himself xiaobaitu and his email is littlewhiterabbit@hotmail.com?

1:17 pm  

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