Thursday, May 19, 2005

almost 6 months!

I can't believe most of us are almost 1/4 done with JC-life!

Actually I kind of still feel like I'm a confused secondary-school kid who walked into JC entirely by mistake.

Anyway, much love <33 Who's going HC drama! Who's going RJ drama! I am! I am!

Hmm, saw Atiqah and other councillors at council invest.

Heehee. Zit and I were hanging around the reception area and we made Mindy and Shikki and Charmaine Lee (HC councillors! :D) get us plates and plates of free food. Hehehe it was realllllly nice, especially those round-round things. Yeah. We managed to get a decent lunch on that actually, hehehe...


Blogger Eunice said...

i'm going hc drama!

10:58 pm  
Blogger novemberist said...


So far, people from 413 who are coming (on 21st May) are: Eunice, Elly, Zit, Faith, Wenyi, Nat, Yi Wei, Mel Tan, Janice Heng, Ci Han and not sure who else.

Debbie is acting, and Gina and I will be selling programme booklets. On Gina's birthday!

So come! 21st May. 7pm. $9. TCHS Drama Centre.

Tickets can be bought at the door, free seating, so can sit with all the 413 people, and we can have a mini-413 gathering! Yay! Come!

1:04 am  
Blogger novemberist said...

And a summary, for good measure.

written by michael cooney, directed by nick perry

An unemployed man has been successfully defrauding the welfare system for the past two years. But all that changes when a social security inspector turns up on his doorstep one morning, and mistaken identities take over.

Featuring a cast of transvestites (okay, maybe just the one), hip-thrusting undertakers, rampaging household appliances, beverage-obsessed marriage counsellors, on-stage indecent molestations, unconscious and scantily-clad men and so much more, this farcical comedy is not to be missed.

That means you should purchase a ticket! So you can't miss it! I love it when things make sense and follow some decent pattern of logic.

If not for anything else, come for the $1800 wood that's been transformed from scratch into our set.

Oh and Hwei Fen is coming too, so that makes FOURTEEN 413 people. Yay.

1:07 am  
Blogger winterain said...

Uh actually, I bought tickets but find myself unable to go thanks to very screwed organisation by Tjc. Having competition till about nine at night which effectively means I can no longer go. Is anyone interested in buying over my ticket? Pretty please~?

<3, hwei

11:33 am  

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