Tuesday, April 12, 2005

part three

"Yesterday I was trying to collect the confirmation slip, but some people tried to give me the slip!"

"Whose key is this? It must be the key to happiness!"

"The even week is very odd."

"I know we are a little slow, but we will catch up... They are chilli we are ketchup!"

"Yakety yak, don't talk back."

"A mirror has two sides, but a polyhedra has many more."

"Who is Eric? Or should I ask Whose is Eric?"

[While going thru some algebraic manipulation assignment] "You see, you need to be able to interchange... Don't need to go to the busstop!"

[on netball carn] "I'll bring my whistle so I can hoo hoo hoo hoo."

"His [John Farnham] songs all have meaning. Not like all those frivolous ohbabyohbabyohbabyoh."

"Why should I give you a Mars Bar? I'd rather send you to Mars!"

[On an origami bird made from magazine paper] "This is what you call a well-read bird!"

Yes, all from Mrs B.


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